6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Mindfulness Meditation

“Mindfulness” is a bit of a buzzword right now, but that doesn’t mean that you should ignore its meaning. Being mindful is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind!

But you might not be sure what it is. Is mindfulness just being more aware? Or does it mean clearing your mind?

Being mindful, in one sense, is like simplifying things. Normally we try to multitask all day, worrying about 20 things while doing 10. That doesn’t work very well.

Being mindful means focusing on the here and now. Being fully here. It allows you to check in on what’s going on right around you and inside you. In so doing, it simplifies things because you can just live in the present moment.

You can meditate to be more mindful, and you can practice it throughout your day. Whatever you are doing, give it all of your attention. Be proactive about putting aside your other worries and being present in what you’re doing and who you’re with.

To experience the ultimate feelings of inner calm and presence, I highly recommend that you follow this link…

Click Here To Discover 7 Minute Mindfulness

You’ll gain inner peace, happiness and feel ‘uncluttered’ in your life.

Mindfulness is a gift that we don’t think about giving ourselves. In fact, our society teaches that we should be getting as much done as possible all the time, which leads to burnout, stress, health problems, and lower productivity.

Mindfulness, on the other hand, offers the opposite, so let’s take a look at all the benefits of mindfulness.

1. Mindfulness Reduces Stress

Let’s start with the biggie. In today’s world, we really battle stress from all sides.

If we carry around all the things we have to worry about, our mind never gets a break. That’s why so many people are completely burnt out, feeling down, and stressed to the point of panic attacks or needing medication.

This kind of worrying steals away any chance of joy or relaxation during our day. You probably know how it goes: you’re sitting at your desk at work, stressed about a deadline, and also about a disagreement with your partner, and some tension you’re feeling with a coworker, and the company party you’re supposed to attend tonight…

Constantly carrying all of these things and feeling continued stress leads to:

Restless sleep
A racing mind
Low energy
Feeling irritable
Feeling defensive
Getting angry easier
Panic attacks
Constant panic
Headaches, body aches, migraines
Jaw pain from clenching teeth
Tight shoulders and back pain

As you can see, trying to keep track of everything on your mind leads to all kinds of problems, resulting in lower productivity and, possibly, worse things.

We might even feel guilty if we forget to worry about something. Do you ever do that? You’ll finally get absorbed in something and it feels really nice, but then you remember all the things that aren’t resolved, and you feel guilty for letting yourself have a few minutes.

But you need those minutes!

Being mindful and present will allow you to get absorbed in what you’re doing, give it your full attention so you can do better, so you’ll feel more clear and mentally energized.

Your body and your brain were not made to handle constant stress. It’s so much healthier to be present and put aside the other overwhelming thoughts.

Challenge yourself to be mindful in one activity a day: a walk, meditation, making a craft, writing, drawing, singing, or something else you enjoy.

See how it feels to let yourself be fully present with that one thing and not having thoughts about anything else. And then see how you feel the rest of the day.

2. Mindfulness Creates Better Health

Being mindful and present lowers our stress levels and also centers us, giving us many health benefits.

You might notice that you’re calmer after practicing mindfulness, your head feels more clear and focused, you’re more productive, and more alert.

Being mindful brings peace to your mind, and that in turn benefits your body and overall health.

People who practice being mindful have higher brain function, an increased immune system, lower blood pressure, lower anxiety levels, and are calmer.

We’ve heard this for years, but experts were talking then about meditation and yoga. Both of those are ways to be mindful!

Click Here To Discover 7 Minute Mindfulness

3. Mindfulness Decreases Depression Symptoms

Decreasing stress and improving your health can help with depression.

Mindfulness does that and more. It’s been considered an effective part of overall depression treatment for a long time.

Being mindful often helps people see and acknowledge their feelings, and that leads to better coping skills. Being mindful lets you say, “I see that I’m feeling that way, and that’s okay.”

Being mindful engages the observant self, so you can notice how you’re feeling, and what you’re thinking, but not get completely sucked into those feelings. You can step back and analyze the situation better.

4. Mindfulness Increases Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is one of those fun words (in my opinion) that show you what they mean. Neuro, or brain, plus plasticity, or being flexible.

Think about how plastic can be soft and pliable.

Being mindful helps your brain increase its ability to change and adapt, which is pretty important to our survival in this hectic day and age.

In a simple sense, neuroplasticity refers to how our brain grows, learns, and changes. When we change our mind or learn new things, we actually make new pathways.

But this has bigger scientific implications. When someone has a stroke and has to relearn how to walk, they’re actually learning how to re-circuit their brain around the damaged area.

Imagine how much stronger your brain will be if you practice mindfulness and, in turn, improve neuroplasticity. That’s a huge advantage for dealing with all of life’s curveballs.

Click Here To Discover 7 Minute Mindfulness

5. Mindfulness Helps You Deal With Illness

Studies have found that mindfulness helps people with cancer and people with chronic illness – even terminal illnesses.

I can see why being in the moment more would help someone enjoy life day by day. Research has found that mindfulness helps cancer patients reduce stress while relieving fatigue.

For many, mindfulness increases our spirituality and sense of purpose, and it helps people handle their emotions regarding their illness.

Mindfulness can greatly improve life for people with chronic pain, such as lower back pain. It helps patients focus on something other than the pain.

6. Mindfulness Helps Recovery

We’ve seen all the ways mindfulness benefits our mental and emotional health. It also helps us physically when we need to recover from illness.

This is probably due to all the other benefits of being mindful.

We have better focus, we’re less stressed, we feel more at peace, and so we’re happier.

We’ve talked about some big areas where mindfulness helps. To zoom in a bit, here’s a list of more specific ways that being mindful improves our lives:

Better mental health
Less stress at work
Better emotional regulation
Fewer problems with alcohol and drugs
Less depression and anxiety
Better performance at school and work
Better relationships
Better self-awareness
Less burnout
Better able to cope with ups and downs
More resilience

We’re just healthier when we’re more mindful because people weren’t created to multitask all day long and always be worrying about getting things done.

We can benefit from slowing down and enjoy being in the moment. Why let other things detract from what you’re doing? You can give those other things your attention in due time.

For the ULTIMATE experience of mindfulness, I highly recommend that you check out 7 Minute Mindfulness

This method will make your mind as calm as water on a beautiful summer’s day…

I’m talking about a method that will allow you to sink into relaxation, and feel abundantly positive and happy within minutes…

It will fill your life with joy and satisfaction…

And teach you how to easily defeat any life problems that you may be facing.

And it only takes 7 minutes!


Top 4 Benefits of Guided Meditation

Meditation has become a mainstream technique for relieving stress. I’ve experienced the anxiety and tension that long hours and demands on our daily life bring. It’s affected my family, my relationships and my ability to perform at a high level at work. Thank goodness I learned about guided meditation or my son would have put me in a straight jacket already.

So What Is This Guided Meditation Thing?

Bottom line, it’s a form of meditation that allows someone to take you through the process of achieving a specific outcome. It could be losing weight, reducing stress, finding your perfect job, quitting smoking or just becoming more in tune with your spiritual side. As with most meditations, all you need is a comfortable, quiet space where you are able to focus on your breathing and the imagery being described by your guide. During this time you’ll feel yourself being taken to a peaceful setting where you will feel, hear, see and taste in your imagination and learn more about yourself and your true purpose.

The Top 4 Benefits of Guided Meditation 

1. Guided meditation is very versatile. You can use whenever you are feeling stressed to get back in touch with your inner peaceful self or on a daily basis to help you sleep or just take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday living.

2. The Mediation Mastery Secrets program lets you enjoy the convenience of meditating in the comfort of your own home. You will have a personal guide to help you navigate into a deep state of peace and relaxation any time you choose. This is extremely important. Most of us have extremely busy schedules that don’t allow us the luxury of visiting a meditation center for one of their classes.

3. You know you need meditation but just aren’t sure how to get started. Guided meditation is one of the best ways to learn if you are a beginner because you have an experienced healer bringing you powerful images to help your mind relax and take your imagination to a higher place.

4. It helps to see your goals in the form of images. If you have trouble focusing a guided audio meditation is extremely beneficial for keeping your mind engaged. This allows your subconscious to slip into that serene state needed for true healing.

I can’t say enough about this program. Take the Meditation Mastery Secrets course today and bring about those much-needed positive changes in your life.

Meditation 101

Meditation can be defined as an experience of having both your mind and body in a relaxed and focused state. People who meditate regularly have reported being more focused, a higher level of concentration, feeling more aware and enjoying a more positive view of life.

When you think about meditation you might recall pictures you’ve seen of mystics, monks or other spiritual guides. The good news is you don’t have to fall into one of these groups to reap the benefits. A great perk is you will not need a church, temple or similar place to practice this art. Any room in your home will do the trick.

There are central elements that are true to the several distinct forms of meditation. The strongest one of these elements is developing the aptitude to discard intruding, contrary and random thoughts and daydreams in favor of calming the mind and giving it a rooted sense of focus. The result frees the mind of clutter and prepares it for heightened levels of activity.

We all carry negative thoughts such as noisy neighbors, co-workers who think they know it all, that unpaid parking ticket and heaps of spam clogging up your inbox. All this negativity starts to poison our minds. The goal is to close these thoughts down so we can eliminate them from our consciousness allowing for more meaningful ideas to infiltrate and take hold, a sort of cleansing of the mind.

Some dedicated practitioners go so far as to remove all sensory details including sight, sound, and touch in order to disengage themselves from the turbulence of their busy worlds. Ironically, the silence may seem deafening but by moving forward with this activity there is a high likelihood that they will become more mindful of all that surrounds them.

If you have ever watched videos of people in contorted meditating positions that look more like advanced yoga poses, do not worry. The idea is to be in a relaxed position allowing you to concentrate. It may mean sitting Indian style, lying down, standing or even walking.

Always ensure that you can relax in your chosen position. Whether you are standing or sitting your back should be straight but neither tight nor tense. Remember, relaxing in the key here. If you choose any other position the rule is no dozing off or slouching. Being comfortable in loose-fitting clothes will prevent you from tensing up. A tight pair of pants or belt might cause you to focus more on that squeezed in feeling than on your breathing.

The area you choose to meditate in should provide a soothing vibe. It could be a bedroom, den or living room. A back deck, if available, might be the perfect spot. Pick up an exercise mat if you want to try some of those contortionist types of poses you sometimes see. Bottom line, get your “quiet place” set up so that it’s an inviting place to meditate.

The sounds of silence are a big deal when meditating. Quiet brings calm and relaxation. Don’t get your space all set up only to realize that the kids are forever going back and forth just outside the room. Scents such as lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon help soothe the mind and release tension. It might be a good idea to get your hands on some scented candles or diffusers to create the ambiance you are looking for.

Have you ever seen someone sitting cross-legged saying “Om” over and over again? These sounds are a mantra for some. A mantra should be a sound or word that can be repeated in order to help the mind focus. This practice can lead to a spiritual experience but it is not a required technique. Some people, however, have reported that focusing on any sort of repeated action like a mantra or rhythmic breathing has helped them achieve a higher level of awareness.

Above all else, the goal here is to focus. Try staring at a particular point or object in your chosen spot. Or, in your mind, concentrate on one particular thought. Let me use two of my personal examples. I have a loud ticking wall clock so I focus on its measured sound to meditate. If I have trouble falling asleep I take a few deep breaths and repeat the word BLANK to help calm my mind. I have found success with both these methods.

Another suggestion might be to silently zero in on each part of your body as you silently name them. As you reflect on that body part release any tension you feel there. Focus your attention on letting go of the stress.

Meditation CDs can be very helpful especially when you are just getting started. Positive results have been reported in developing brain waves to a point where the listener can achieve deep meditation.

Meditating is a pretty simple, risk-free experience. The list of benefits is so worth the effort. The positive physiological effects associated with this ancient art have been studied and reported on for centuries. Modern day medicine has embraced meditation encouraging their patients to give it a try in order to relieve pain and other symptoms associated with their illnesses. It’s never too late to begin. Find your quiet place, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. It won’t take long before you feel the results so get cracking!